There are many ways to worship. Often churches get stuck in one mode, and once there, worshipers are lulled into believing their particular style is the only or best way to worship God. At Trinity we keep pushing ourselves to open our hearts and minds to question our assumptions about worship.
Because different people are inspired and moved by different elements and styles of worship, we strive to offer as broad and as inclusive a range as possible. All are welcome to join and participate in any of the services held at Trinity. During special times in the year there are additional services. Our weekly services include:

SUNDAY at 10:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 am is the primary gathering of our community. A celebratory service that is intentionally welcoming and challenging, open and inclusive, for spiritual inquiry no matter what your religious or spiritual tradition, or even if you have none.
Trinity takes welcoming seriously. Excellent organ and ensemble music provide a peaceful time for centering before worship. With the bishop’s blessing we have ventured outside the rubrics of the Episcopal tradition; Trinity is redefining what it means to be Episcopalian. Challenging preaching has been a hallmark for generations, addressing a community that prefers to live in the questions rather than be given the answers.
Children, with all their sounds and movements, are a welcome part of this gathering for worship. It is perfectly appropriate to keep your kids with you in the pew. There is also a Kids’ Corner in the back-right corner of the pews. It is an enclosed and safe space for small children (attended by their parents) to play quietly on the floor while staying in church. If your baby or toddler would be happier being able to crawl around and play in the care of our fully vaccinated nursery attendant, a nursery is also available.
This service is streamed on Facebook and YouTube, as well as in person. During the summer, Trinity holds this service in the courtyard, weather permitting.

SUNDAY at 7:00 pm
Sunday at 7:00 pm offers spirituality without all the religion. In an effort to make room for those who are searching for spirituality yet allergic to church, the service is deliberately non-Christian. Combining soft jazz music and candlelight, seating in the round, and readings that are not specifically religious, this quiet service focuses on individual spirituality.
Known as Trinity@7, this offering draws primarily on poetry from published authors of the 20th and 21st centuries but can include the work of ancient mystics from many religions around the world. Syncopating each reading is live jazz featuring pianist Krista Seddon and culminating in a brief reflection from one of our spiritual leaders and a participatory candlelight meditation.
Trinity@7 is open to attend either in person in the chapel at the back of the Trinity courtyard or online on Zoom. Click on the Online Worship Resources button above to join on Zoom.

THURSDAY at 7:00 pm
Thursday at 7:00 pm is the weekly offering of 12 Steps@Trinity, a bridge between Episcopal worship and the spirituality of 12-Step recovery. Hundreds of different types of recovery groups and millions of people throughout the world find spiritual wisdom and guidance in the 12 Steps and the many books and reflections that have been written by people who have walked this path to health and wholeness. The roots can be traced back through the Oxford Group (an Episcopal evangelical movement) to the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and even to the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the third century.
It can even be said that 12-Step Spirituality is the combined knowledge and experience of all those who have used spiritual surrender and the 12-Steps as a passage to recovery, and the things they have learned along the way. Trinity's 12-Step community includes many who have journeyed toward liberation with the 12-Steps, and they look to share what they have learned, as well as celebrate the presence of God.
12 Steps@Trinity has formed a strong service-oriented community. Unique music, provided by a group of volunteer musicians, reinforces the 12-Step message.
This service is open to attend either in person in the chapel at the back of the Trinity courtyard or online on Zoom. Click on the Online Worship Resources button above to join on Zoom.

At the Wednesday @ Noon service, Holy Communion is celebrated and prayers are offered for the world. This is an informal gathering with shared leadership of the readings and prayers. There is no sermon. Instead, following communion, the group engages in thoughtful discussion of the readings.
This service is held both in person and online through Zoom. To request a Zoom password, click the Online Worship Resources button at the top of this page.