Baptisms are done during a 10:30 am worship and are held 5 or 6 times each year. Baptism is a beautiful way to mark one's commitment to follow the way of Christ and to bring up one's child in the same way. It is not required for active membership at Trinity. There are no restrictions on eligibility for baptism. Any adult may seek baptism for themself or their child. To inquire about the next available date for baptism, contact Matt Lincoln at: (716) 852-8314 ext 2 or mlincoln@trinitybuffalo.org.

The Laying on of Hands is offered during the 10:30 am worship. While recognizing that healing does not equal curing, and that healing is a process and God’s action is a mystery, this group offers prayers so that it is the creation of a sacred moment within a larger sacred space to which the Prayers are but witnesses.
For Funerals, please contact the church office to make arrangements at parishadministrator@trinitybuffalo.org or call (716) 852-8314 ext 1.